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The Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDEF) is the affiliated foundation of LCDA. Together with LCDA, the foundation is committed to paving the way for the next generation of US Latina and Latino corporate directors. Its strategic priority is to prepare, position and grow the supply of Latino C-Suite executives prepared for corporate board service and lead with research-based reports and thought leadership.

BoardReady Institute (BRI)

The BRI is a comprehensive program uniquely designed for new and aspiring directors to prepare, position, and network them for boardroom success. Since 2017, the BRI has certified hundreds of board leaders.

Virtual Programming

Learn about our virtual programming featuring webinar discussions, coaching circles, mock board interviews, and other formats such as the Quick Takes designed to provide nuggets of insights for members on critical governance topics in a 20 minute platform.

Meet the LCDEF Board of Directors

Meet the outstanding leaders of LCDA's foundation who are building premier programming for a new generation of Latino directors.